Sunday, November 23, 2008

Jesus is not a Wheat Thin

We were at church last night and our worship pastor Mark Averill was explaining what communion is and what it means. Then he said that the band was going to play a few songs and whenever each person was ready, he or she could get up and walk to one of the tables and get a cup of juice and a wheat thin. Then he stopped himself, laughed, and said, "By the way, Jesus is not a Wheat Thin. It is supposed to represent his body that was broken for you." Everyone laughed and then the band began playing.

Now, I know that Mark was just making a joke, but it got me thinking: You know what? Jesus really is NOT a Wheat Thin. I think that we Christians can too easily fall into the trap of trying to place Jesus into a box or trying to categorize him in some way. It's easy to say "Jesus is Lord," or "Jesus is Savior," or "Jesus is the Son of God" without really thinking about what those words actually mean. I know that I have been guilty (far too often) of taking Jesus for granted. Maybe it is because he is too big to wrap my mind around or maybe it is because I can't actually see him, but I continually lose sight of the fact that Jesus really is my Lord and my Savior and The Son of God. Frankly, sometimes I let myself forget that Jesus IS. Whever this happens, I like to go outside at night and look up at the stars and just take in the universe that HE created. It reminds me how small I really am. It reminds me that Jesus is not a Wheat Thin.

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