Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Most photogenic boy ever?

I have always wanted to be a photographer. I love taking pictures. I love trying to frame a subject just right. My dream is to take some classes, you know, actually learn how to take a proper photo, and go with my wife to New Zealand so that I can get some really amazing shots. (No, it has nothing to do with the fact that New Zealand is actually Middle Earth. And if you believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.)

Over the years, I've gotten taken some fairly decent pictures, despite only having point-and-shoot capabilities. And strangely, a fair percentage of my good pictures have one specific I ask you- did these pictures turn out great because of my mad skills, or because I am lucky to have the most photogenic boy ever living in my house?


Mary said...

um, I think both. :)
I love that boy.

Marty said...

me too!!! He smiled and chatted with me last Sunday and I'm still feeling all warm and fuzzy inside!

Emily said...

Beautiful photos Nathan! Xander is a handsome little guy.