Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sawyer...I mean, LaFleur

Okay, I'm apparently the only person in my immediate family who still watches "Lost." Everyone else gave up before this season, during which it has become the BEST. SHOW. EVER. (Although "Firefly" is still my favorite. It just didn't last long enough. So I guess "Lost" is the SECOND. BEST. SHOW. EVER. But I digress...) Anyhow, if you happen to still watch "Lost," I highly recommend checking out "Lost Untangled" on or on Youtube. "Lost Untangled" is basically a 5-6 minute recap of the most recent episode, except it is done with action figures and comic book panels. Way funny. Here is one example:

Friday, April 10, 2009

More Beatboxing Flute Guy

Some classical beatboxing...

and some beatboxing from my childhood...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Things That Make Me Happy, Part 3

Whenever I need a little pick-me-up, I just head on over to Youtube to watch the beatboxing flute player guy. He blows my mind!

and some more awesomeness...

Where did he think he was going?

So I'm home with Bella today, recovering from The Plague, just minding my own business when I hear a THUD. I realize that it was the sound of something hitting a plate glass window, of which there are many in our new home. I go out to the living room, expecting to see Cleo jumping at the sliding glass door, wanting to go out to pee. Instead, I see Cleo looking quizzically outside at a very dazed looking bird, stumbling around on the patio. The funny part is that the windows were not clear at all. They were all steamed up from our dryer (inside the house and not vented outside like it should be...story for another time). So my question is: Where did the bird think he was going? Into a weird cloud? Into the future? Where no bird has gone before? The world may never know...maybe I should ask Mr. Owl...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday, Dad.

I miss you.

Um...what are you looking at, Moose?

Most photogenic boy ever?

I have always wanted to be a photographer. I love taking pictures. I love trying to frame a subject just right. My dream is to take some classes, you know, actually learn how to take a proper photo, and go with my wife to New Zealand so that I can get some really amazing shots. (No, it has nothing to do with the fact that New Zealand is actually Middle Earth. And if you believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.)

Over the years, I've gotten taken some fairly decent pictures, despite only having point-and-shoot capabilities. And strangely, a fair percentage of my good pictures have one specific I ask you- did these pictures turn out great because of my mad skills, or because I am lucky to have the most photogenic boy ever living in my house?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy New Baby Sister Day!

Today I get to meet my new sister. How often do you get to say something like that? I mean, I do have 6 sisters now, so I guess I get to say it more often than most, but still...pretty cool.

The National Honor of the Trousers

In 14th century Mali, a man named Mansa Musa was king. He was a very generous king, giving gold, land and horses to his citizens in exchange for their loyalty. The greatest gift, however, was given to military heroes. This gift was known as "The National Honor of the Trousers." According to one Arab, named Al-Dukhari:

"Whenever a hero adds to the lists of his exploits,

the king gives him a pair of wide trousers...The

greater the number of the knight's exploits, the

bigger the size of his trousers."

The reason for this was that only the king and his family could wear sewn clothes; everyone else wore clothes that were wrapped around the body. Hence, to be given big pants was an honor, indeed. The better you were at being a warrior, the bigger your pants.

Sometimes I watch kids walking around school between classes, having to pull up their pants with every other step, and I think to myself, "They must have done some great things. Look at the size of their pants!"

Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy 28th Birthday, Annie!

(A day late...sorry)

Saturday, January 17, 2009


What is the best kind of bear?

False. Black Bear.

Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

From now on...

...whenever someone is trying to rush me and I'm not ready to go, I shall simply answer,
"Keep your pantalones on, Erik Estrada."